Cat Boy
Cat Boy
- A film by Diego Lodeiros.
- Synopsis:
In a small town in Galicia, in the 50’s, a being of strange appearance appears. From this appearance, events occur, with associated deaths and the legend of the Cat Boy is forged. fifty years later, one of those who was then a friend of the Cat Boy and his gang, prepares to make a documentary, telling first hand what happened. For some strange reason, he does not manage to finish it. Already in the year 2021, Alba, who has always collected audiovisual material from flea markets and flea markets, finds the unfinished documentary tape, and makes the definitive film. It is the one you have in front of your eyes.
- Premiere On Platforms May 13th
- PlayMax:
Technical Info
Title Cat Boy
Direction: Diego Lodeiros
Genre: Docu-fiction
Duration: 60 min.
Age rating: Not recommended for children under 12 years of age