Pain is Learned


Pain is Learned

Chronic pain is on the rise: 23.4% of women and 15.9% of men suffer from it. Addressing it is one of the great social and health challenges of our century. And it is very expensive: the costs of chronic pain are close to 2.8% of GDP. In Spain alone, 20% of the population suffers from chronic pain.
The popular science documentary “El Dolor se Aprende” is a story of collaborative work, dissemination of knowledge, transmission of liberating information from the Education in Neurobiology of Pain based on the knowledge shared by the neurologist Arturo Goicoechea in the Primary Care center of the Public Health Service of the Basque Country (Osakidetza) in Bizkaia and Araba.

Premiere on platforms September 30, 2022


Technical Info

Title Pain is Learned
Producer: Kaleko Films in collaboration with Osatzen y GoiGroup
Genre: Documental
Year: 2021
