Oil Painting
Oil Painting
- The debut of the Malaga director Pablo Lavado that evokes the unforgettable echoes of “Call me by your name”. A film about sexual awakening, sensitive, delicate and intimate that reflects today’s society.
- Synopsis:
María, a young fine arts student, decides to spend a weekend with Julio, her partner, at her parents’ house in the village. Once there, the young woman will have to face an already forgotten reality. The solid mentality of her family means that practically nothing has changed in the lives of her brother Hugo and her father, Arturo.
Available on Filmin, Amazon Prime Video and FlixOlé.
PlayMax: https://playmax.mx/al-oleo-f92895
Technical Info
Title Oil Painting
Direction: Pablo Lavado
Cast: Sarah Benavente, Chico García, Juan Antonio Hidalgo, Pilar Jiménez, Jesús Moya, José Pastor, Ceci Urbano, Marta Velázquez
Genre: Comedia, Drama
Duration: 77 min.
Age rating: Not recommend for children under 12 years of age