Keep Away from Fire

Keep Away from Fire
#ConUnPack Distribución presents “Keep Away from Fire” the dystopian opera prima of the young Valencian filmmaker Javier Artigas which was presented in the section “5 minutos de cine” from the last Festival de cine de Málaga. The world premiere took place in Bravo! the Spanish and Latin American indie film event in Denmark last May 11th. Spanish premiere June 28. “Far from Fire” is one of the most disconcerting indie debut films of the year in Spain.
Climate change has led to a change in the demographic map of the planet. A massive increase in migration has made coexistence in the receiving countries more difficult. In large cities, the number of acts of vandalism and hate crimes has skyrocketed, and there has been a notable increase in the popularity of various radical groups.
After a year without seeing each other, Palo and her friends meet in a house in the countryside to catch up and, if possible, regain their friendship. Away from the differences that distanced them in the past. Far from the chaos of the city. Far from the fire.
Technical Info
Title Keep Away From Fire
Direction and screenplay: Javier Artigas
Cast: Laura Salcedo, Azucena Abril, María Asensi, Érica Molina y Mauro Cervera Just
Genre: Drama, Science fiction
Duration: 74 min.
Age rating: Pending